MIYAVIの誕生日当日に直接皆さんとお会いできるSpecial Birthday Liveの開催が決定いたしました!
今年は、MYV CREW会員限定開催です!


■1st STAGE
開場 15:30 / 開演 16:30 / 終演 18:00(予定)
■2nd STAGE
開場 19:00 / 開演 20:00 / 終演 21:30(予定)



Live & Restaurant LDH kitchen THE TOKYO HANEDA
住所:東京都大田区羽田空港3-3-2 第1旅客ターミナル5F THE HANEDA HOUSE





















・お申込み者及び同伴者はMYV CREW会員限定となります。


























※お申込み者・同伴者ともにMYV CREW会員限定となります。




※全ての会員様にメールをお送りしております。メールが受信できない場合は、8/31(水)15:00までにMYV CREW事務局(https://thebase.in/inquiry/miyavishop)へご連絡ください。



8/30(火)23:59までにご入会(=ご入金)のMYV CREW会員様(ご本人のみ)


※同伴者もMYV CREW会員に限ります。


▼MYV CREW新規入会をご希望の方へ
上記以外の支払い方法でご入会の場合、入金反映にもお時間がかかりますのでご了承いただけますよう お願い申し上げます。



MYV CREW事務局へご連絡ください。
■お問い合わせフォーム https://thebase.in/inquiry/miyavishop







2022/9/14 (Wed.)
■1st STAGE
Open 15:30 / Start 16:30 / End 18:00 (tentative)
■2nd STAGE
Open 19:00 / Start 20:00 / End 21:30 (tentative)

*The above times are tentative. Please note that the schedule may change depending on the situation on the day of the event.


Live & Restaurant LDH kitchen THE TOKYO HANEDA
Address: THE HANEDA HOUSE, 5F, Terminal 1, 3-3-2 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Official Homepage:https://www.ldhkitchen-thetokyohaneda.jp/
*Please refrain from making inquiries to the venue.

*The arrangement of seats will be made in accordance with the regulations of the Government, municipalities and the venue.
└The arrangement of seats and the distance between seats may be changed in accordance with the new guidelines on the measures against COVID-19.

*Depending on the policies of the Government or municipalities, the opening time and the starting time are subject to change.

*All tickets are paper tickets. Please issue the tickets on Loppi multimedia terminals in LAWSON stores or MINISTOP stores before you come to the venue.

*Tickets are required for audience members who are 6 years old and older. Audience members under this age cannot enter the venue.

*All audience members have different designated entry times.
└Please check out the details on the official homepage and enter the venue during your designated entry time.

*In order to avoid congestion after the show ends, we will guide audience members to leave the venue after the live show. It may take more time than usual. Thank you for your understanding.

*Some parts of the content may be changed depending on circumstances.

Ticket Price

■All seats reserved

¥6,820 (ticket price of ¥6,200 + tax)

*Gift only for audience members & one drink (non-alcoholic) are included.

*The gift only for audience members will be handed over only at the venue. Please note that delivery service is not available.


・Audience members should bear the transportation expenses by themselves.

・For safety reasons, we may check your belongings.

・There is no cloakroom in the venue. Since the seating space is limited, please do not bring large luggage.

・Actions that may interfere with the event are strongly prohibited.

・Media will be filming at this event. Please be advised that you might appear on TV, in videos, photos, etc.

・If you arrive later than the starting time, you may be asked to wait depending on performance situations. Please follow the instructions of the venue staff on the day of the event.

・Applicants cannot be changed for any reason. Please note that even if you win with a family member's name or membership number, only your family member (the applicant) can participate.

・All applicants and companions must be the MYV CREW members.

・Tickets are non-transferable and applicants and companions cannot be changed under any circumstances.

【Venue Admission (required)】

・You are not tested positive for COVID-19 and instructed to stay at home by your doctor.

・You had no close contact with a person tested positive for COVID-19 within the 14 days before the day of the show.

・You have not been to countries or regions from the government list of restricted countries or those requiring an observation period after entering Japan in the past 14 days. Moreover, you had no close contact with people living in these countries and regions.

・Your family members living with you and close friends are not suspected of being infected.

・You need to measure your body temperature before leaving your home on the day of the show. Your body temperature should be below 37.5 degrees.
(We will also measure your temperature when you enter the venue.)

・You do not have symptoms such as cough, languor, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting, having no taste or smell.

・You need to always wear a mask inside and outside the venue.

【Age Limit】

Tickets are required for audience members who are 6 years old and older. Audience members under this age cannot enter the venue.

【Childcare Service】

Not available



【What to bring on the event day】

■MYV CREW Membership Card

*If you have not yet received your membership card or if you have lost it, please prepare a memo with your membership number on it.

■Identification Card

*ID card with your name issued by government agencies (1 type)
We may confirm each member's identity. Thank you for your cooperation.

*Photocopies, images and expired ID cards will not be accepted.

MYV CREW Ticket Lottery

[Application Period]

8/26 (Fri.) 15:00 ~ 8/31 (Wed.) 23:00

*You can apply for a maximum of 2 tickets per show.

*Both applicant and companion must be the MYV CREW members.

*Please note that you will have to share a table with others due to the seating layout.

[Application Method]

We will inform the members of the URL of the website for application via e-mail and the MYV CREW members-only Twitter (@fc_myv2022).

*We have sent out the email to all members. If you have not received the email, contact us directly at (https://thebase.in/inquiry/miyavishop)by 15:00 on 8/31 (Wed.).

*You may not be able to receive the email due to your domain settings.Please change the settings so that you can receive emails from "myv 382tokyo.com".

[Eligible Applicants]

Those who become MYV CREW members (=make a payment) by 8/30 (Tue.) 23:59

*Those who become members (=make a payment using a credit card, carrier billing or PayPal) between 20:00 on 23:59 on 8/30 (Tue.) will receive their membership number and link to the ticket lottery application site via email by 17:00 on 8/31 (Wed.).

*Your companion must also be an MYV CREW member.

*Changes to the applicant or companion are not permitted under any circumstances.

▼For those who want to become a new member of MYV CREW
The issuance of the membership number will take some time.
If you are in a hurry to become a member, please use credit card payment, carrier billing or PayPal payment.
Usually, the payment is confirmed at the time of getting a membership (completing a purchase).
Please note that if you use the payment methods other than mentioned above to get a membership, it will take some time for the payment to be reflected.


Inquiries about the event

Please contact the MYV CREW Office.
■Inquiry Form https://thebase.in/inquiry/miyavishop

*Inquiries will be answered in sequence on weekdays except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Therefore, please understand that it may take some time for us to reply to your inquiry.

*Please refrain from making inquiries to the venue.

Inquiries about tickets

■Lawson Ticket Customer Center (only in Japanese)

*If your mail box is set to only receive emails from specified domains or addresses, please change the setting so that you can receive emails from "l-tike.com" and "ent.lawson.co.jp".